We offer IT solutions for the private and public sectors.

KilaKitu Global is a diversified global company operating in different countries.

We offer IT solutions for the private and public sectors.

With the aim of creating lasting change, we mobilize partners and offer solutions for schools and universities to progress in teaching and learning, so that students can acquire the skills that are essential to them.

We support the efforts of governments, so that students can acquire the skills that are essential to them in the 21st century.

Education is an essential right, which allows everyone to receive an instruction and to flourish in their social life. The right to education is vital for the economic, social and cultural development of all societies.

KilaKitu Global brings together our know how and technologies under one company brand.

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We bring value to the users of our services with our global approach to manage demand and our experience in the Marketing field.

Many companies like Medikemos Clinic, the law firm MP MPISO, Mudijo Consulting by Silver Back Africa, Bracongo and many more already enjoy working with us.


Our 360° marketing experience guarantees maximum value and return on investment as we leverage all the available communication tools, both online and offline.


In addition to taking care of your marketing, we provide the best global interactive solutions that answer your specific needs.

Is your company a smart business?

Is your company uses digital transformation?

Is your company knows how to manage the data it has?

A smart company is a company that knows how to value its assets. A smart company is a company that knows how to communicate both externally and internally. A smart company knows how to recognize changes and adapt. It cares about understanding the customer and can offer them what they need better and faster than its competitors.

We provide business solutions